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Space Cluster Development Project.

Elevating Scotland's Space Sector: Sustainability, Innovation, Diversity, Growth


The 'Developing a Sustainable Scottish Space Sector' project aims to position Scotland as a global leader in Space Sustainability. Aligned with national and regional space strategies, as well as UNOOSA and ESA priorities, we will drive sustainable innovation, prepare the current and future workforce for sector expansion, and accelerate new collaborations beyond the space sector.

With sustainability and ecodesign embedded throughout the project, the project will catalyse investment and deliver more jobs, skills and capabilities to the region – thus increasing the opportunities in Scotland’s space sector.


The ‘Developing a Sustainable Scottish Space Sector’ project has been made possible through UKSA’s Space Cluster Development Fund. Space Scotland is proud to be partnered and supported by the UK Space Agency in our shared mission to develop a sustainable Scottish space sector.



The project is broken down into thematic work packages, each with their own specific objectives, timeline, tasks and deliverables.


Sustainable Space

The Sustainable Space work package is delivering on work outlined in the Sustainable Space Roadmap through a series of space-specific Sustainability audits and workshops. This project supports Space Scotland's commitment to advancing actions in line with net zero targets and fostering knowledge exchange for sustainable innovations. It seeks to establish emissions baselines, develop expandable methodologies, and actively involve companies in striving towards a more sustainable Scottish space sector.


Workforce Development

The Workforce Development work package is piloting new approaches for addressing skills gaps, and secure against futures shortage, implementing projects based on previous UKSA funding. Connecting education providers with industry from the high growth areas, practical courses will be developed around sustainable satellite manufacturing, electronics and rocketry, and launch. Early-stage skills are being developed through sending out satellite kits to remote schools around Scotland. Universities are joining forces to allow companies to capture long-term skills requirements, and appropriate training to be built into curricula, forestalling future skills gaps.


Knowledge Exchange and Sector Diversification

The Knowledge Exchange and Sector Diversification project is galvanising the space sector to partner with neighbouring and novel sectors, creating new areas for economic growth. Mini-acceleration programmes are focusing on cross-sector innovation in the areas of financial services, sustainable manufacturing, and robotics and AI, with further KE for space with BioTech and AgriTech. By forging new connections, catalysing knowledge exchange, demonstrating routes to funding, and providing a paper with recommendations for future actions, this project will expand the Scottish portfolio of capabilities, and lay the foundations for new industrial sub-sectors.

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Upcoming Events.

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Space Scotland
Cluster Projects
05 Sep 2024
Space-Comm Glasgow

The Scottish space industry is thriving and one of the fastest growing in Europe. Glasgow designs and builds more small satellites than anywhere outside of California. Scotland is home to five spaceports aiming to be a strategic launchpad for the northern hemisphere with multiple launch...

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Space Scotland
Cluster Projects
13 Feb 2024
Sustainable Space: Legal and Regulatory Aspects from a Contemporary UK Viewpoint

The United Kingdom has two major pieces of domestic legislation that are related to space actives: the Outer Space Act 1986 (OSA) and the Space Industry Act 2018 (SIA). The UK in general and Scotland in particular, has also been self-championing itself in the regulatory,...

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We are grateful for the support and delivery partners on the ‘Developing a Sustainable Scottish Space Sector’ project.

Together we look forward to building a Sustainable Scotland. Together, we are actively shaping a sustainable future for Scotland.

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Sustainability Resources From Our Partners.

Scottish Enterprise, Allison Macpherson, Sustainability Specialist. Allison describes how companies can access Scottish Enterprise’s advice and financial support on all things sustainability and net zero. Contact:

SaxaVord, Bryden Priest, Community Projects Officer. In 2024, SaxaVord Spaceport and Unst Shetland will begin operations, leading to the first European vertical launch of small satellites in polar and sun-synchronous orbits. SaxaVord has continued to develop and install new equipment sustainably by committing to renewable energy implementations throughout the company, as well as biodiversity conservation.

Carbon Change Ltd., Chris Asensio, Director. Chris explains how carbon audits, carried out through the UK Space Agency’s Cluster Development Project, successfully allowed companies to understand their emissions and create plans to reduce them. By understanding its carbon footprint, the Scottish space sector is committing itself to a decarbonised future.

Environmental Task Force, Kristina Tamane and Andrew Fournet, Chairs. The Environmental Task Force is a collaboration of colleagues from academia, industry, and government, determined to lead sustainability in the Scottish space sector. The ETF has already successfully completed several projects, including creating the first sustainability roadmap in the world. Their work packages feature decades of further work, many of which are focused on expanding into adjacent sectors to ensure everyone can make the best use of space data and technology in their sustainable efforts.

Niparo, Nic Ross, Founder and CEO. Niparo is a space sustainability consultancy firm, which looks at the interaction between local practices and domestic and international legislation related to sustainable efforts in the space industry. Under the leadership of Space Scotland, Scotland is a beacon in their mission to reach for the stars in a just, equitable, and sustainable manner.

AstroAgency, Daniel Smith, Founder and Creative Director. In 2022, Space Scotland published Space Sustainability Roadmap · Space Scotland through collaborations between the Environmental Task Force, AstroAgency, Optimat, and Scottish Enterprise. International and national sustainability experts, both in the space industry and other sectors, were consulted during its creation. The Roadmap is the first strategic document of its kind and will position Scotland as a global leader in space sustainability. Reach out to the Environmental Task Force to contribute to these goals.


Discover More Resources Here.

Discover even more resources, including grants and case studies, to support your company’s sustainability initiatives.

Net Zero and Sustainability Support


The Greenhouse Gas Protocol


Sustainable Space Summit


Green Toolkit for a New Space Economy


SaxaVord Ground Station Network


SaxaVord Sustainability


Christina MacLeod

As Cluster Development Project Manager, Christina manages the ‘Developing a Sustainable Scottish Space Sector’ project, which was awarded funding through the UK Space Agency Space Cluster Development Fund. The work packages encompass sustainability initiatives that deliver on aspects of the Space Sustainability Roadmap, skills development, and cross-sector initiatives.

Connect with Us

If you would like to connect with us to learn more about the project, feel free to reach out using the information below.

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